
We are a team of engineers and visionaries committed to making motion capture a universal technology.


We remain focused on the present and future of motion capture, with all its limitless capabilities.


Motion capture for all. That simple idea is what has always driven us to extend the reach of this dynamic technology.

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Creativity in Isolation: A Motion Capture Project by Studio Giggle

When plans for a motion capture performance project were thwarted by Covid-19, Studio Giggle—an immersive content studio based in Bristol, England—set about to create something that instead would convey the feelings of loss and solitude being experienced during the lockdown.Isolation is a film inspired from an article on grief read in the Harvard Business Review by Studio Giggle Creative Director, Jonathan Brigden. The idea for the film was for it to be a reflection on the individual grief people are coping with as they mourn their previous pre-Covid lives and adjust to their current isolated condition.In March, Ed Vosper and Iina Kuula, digital artists at Studio Giggle, headed to London
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